“Small Kindnesses”

I’ve been thinking about the way, when you walkdown a crowded aisle, people pull in their legsto let you by. Or how strangers still say “bless you”when someone sneezes, a leftoverfrom the Bubonic plague. “Don’t die,” we are saying.And sometimes, when you spill lemonsfrom your grocery bag, someone else will help youpick them up. Mostly,… Continue reading “Small Kindnesses”

Cervantes, feminism, and “you could say that his obstinacy killed him”

I shared this image with friends online, and it got a nice exchange going. My friend Jules: There’s a Jewish story in the Talmud similar to this too. “I am in love w this woman! I will die if I cannot have her!” Jewish elders: “So die then” “What if I just kissed her?” JE:… Continue reading Cervantes, feminism, and “you could say that his obstinacy killed him”

How American food became interesting

Ok, this is fascinating. TL;DR, around 1900 some dudes in America were like "Well hellfire...food is bland. Let's go find better foods and bring home cuttings & seeds, and grow good stuff here." And that's how we (America) got potatoes, tomatoes, asparagus, smyrna figs, meyer lemons, durum wheat (and therefore our own macaroni), rice, bamboo,… Continue reading How American food became interesting

ADHD revelations about projects, time, and organizing

I have a lot of concepts that are coming together and contributing to each other. For example, this from yesterday: I should seriously stop thinking of projects and to-do items as discrete things. They're far more like pets. I need to feed my sales pet on most days I've got a dog walker for my… Continue reading ADHD revelations about projects, time, and organizing