Life skill: giving yourself a goddamn break

It's really hard times for a lot of folks, and my family is no exception. So it was really great to speak to two different family members yesterday and hear a theme I really, really like: leveling up on taking care of yourself. Most specifically? Giving yourself a goddamn break. We were talking about grief,… Continue reading Life skill: giving yourself a goddamn break

End of an eon (2021)

Edit: I completely skipped everything having to do with the protests, racism, ableism, trans- and homophobia, continuing political issues, and the shooting of unarmed black men and women. It's not an oversight; being a white person, I'd much rather you listen to better educated, more invested folks on these matters. It'd be nice if I… Continue reading End of an eon (2021)

You have computer files you want to keep, so read on

Last night, my data professional, security conscious husband got a trojan virus on his computer that permanently encrypted (locked) all his files away from him. This particular trojan (called CryptoWall) demands hundreds of dollars to unlock the files again. We may end up paying. I wrote a more technical blog about this over on my… Continue reading You have computer files you want to keep, so read on